Demo of a KDE plot beside timeseries set (Interactive)

%pylab inline
#%matplotlib inline
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpld3
from mpld3 import plugins
#%matplotlib notebook
import pysd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Load the model using PySD

The model is a basic, 1-stock carbon bathtub model

model = pysd.read_vensim('../../models/Climate/Atmospheric_Bathtub.mdl')
                   Real Name                    Py Name Subscripts  Units  0                  Emissions                  emissions       None   None
1  Excess Atmospheric Carbon  excess_atmospheric_carbon       None   None
2                 FINAL TIME                 final_time       None  Month
3               INITIAL TIME               initial_time       None  Month
4            Natural Removal            natural_removal       None   None
5           Removal Constant           removal_constant       None   None
6                    SAVEPER                    saveper       None  Month
7                  TIME STEP                  time_step       None  Month
8                       Time                       time       None   None

       Limits       Type Subtype                                     Comment
0  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal                                        None
1  (nan, nan)   Stateful   Integ                                        None
2  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal          The final time for the simulation.
3  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal        The initial time for the simulation.
4  (nan, nan)  Auxiliary  Normal                                        None
5  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal                                        None
6  (0.0, nan)  Auxiliary  Normal  The frequency with which output is stored.
7  (0.0, nan)   Constant  Normal           The time step for the simulation.
8  (nan, nan)       None    None                  Current time of the model.

Generate a set of parameters to use as input

Here, drawing 100 constant values for the Emissions parameter from an exponential distribution

n_runs = 100
runs = pd.DataFrame({'Emissions': np.random.exponential(scale=10000, size=n_runs)})
0 13139.288132
1 10414.796999
2 8505.605002
3 55251.743520
4 3650.497881

Run the model with the various parameters

result = runs.apply(lambda p:['Excess Atmospheric Carbon'],
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 13139.288132 10414.796999 8505.605002 55251.743520 3650.497881 7490.206883 5908.429778 4526.126740 3969.536964 42777.645014 ... 9654.733184 16864.050543 15725.059944 7426.330819 10563.284279 5586.831254 24433.431913 13290.730858 6245.476841 11057.440643
2 26147.183383 20725.446028 16926.153954 109950.969604 7264.490783 14905.511697 11757.775259 9006.992213 7899.378559 85127.513578 ... 19212.919037 33559.460581 31292.869289 14778.398329 21020.935715 11117.794196 48622.529506 26448.554408 12428.498913 22004.306879
3 39024.999681 30932.988567 25262.497417 164103.203428 10842.343756 22246.663463 17548.627285 13443.049031 11789.921738 127053.883456 ... 28675.523031 50087.916518 46705.000540 22056.945165 31374.010637 16593.447508 72569.736124 39474.799721 18549.690765 32841.704452
4 51774.037816 41038.455680 33515.477445 217713.914913 14384.418199 29514.403711 23281.570790 17834.745281 15641.559485 168560.989636 ... 38043.500985 66451.087897 61963.010478 29262.706532 41623.554810 22014.344287 96277.470675 52370.782582 24609.670698 43570.728050

5 rows × 100 columns

Draw a static plot showing the results, and a marginal density plot

This would be for making graphics for a publication, where you don’t want an interactive view, but you want fine control over what the figure looks like.

This is relatively simple, because we rely on the plotting library seaborn to generate the KDE plot, instead of working out the densities ourselves.

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# define when to show the density
density_time = 85

# left side: plot all traces, slightly transparent
plt.subplot2grid((1,4), loc=(0,0), colspan=3)
[plt.plot(result.index, result[i], 'b', alpha=.02) for i in result.columns]
ymax = result.max().max()
plt.ylim(0, ymax)

# left side: add marker of density location
plt.vlines(density_time, 0, ymax, 'k')
plt.text(density_time, ymax, 'Density Calculation', ha='right', va='top', rotation=90)

# right side: gaussian KDE on selected timestamp
plt.subplot2grid((1,4), loc=(0,3))
plt.ylim(0, ymax)

plt.suptitle('Emissions scenarios under uncertainty', fontsize=16);

Interactive plot using python backend

The following would be for lightweight exploration

import matplotlib as mpl
from ipywidgets import interact, IntSlider
sim_time = 200
slider_time = IntSlider(description = 'Select Time for plotting Density',
                        min=0, max=result.index[-1], value=1)
def update(density_time):
    ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1,4), loc=(0,0), colspan=3)
    [ax1.plot(result.index, result[i], 'b', alpha=.02) for i in result.columns]
    ymax = result.max().max()
    ax1.set_ylim(0, ymax)

    # left side: add marker of density location
    ax1.vlines(density_time, 0, ymax, 'k')
    ax1.text(density_time, ymax, 'Density Calculation', ha='right', va='top', rotation=90)

    # right side: gaussian KDE on selected timestamp
    ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1,4), loc=(0,3))
    seaborn.kdeplot(y=result.loc[density_time], ax=ax2)
    ax2.set_ylim(0, ymax)

    plt.suptitle('Emissions scenarios under uncertainty', fontsize=16);
interactive(children=(IntSlider(value=1, description='Select Time for plotting Density'), Output()), _dom_clas…

Interactive figure with javascript background

This script would prepare interactive graphics to share on a webpage, independent of the python backend.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(6, 6))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.1, wspace=0.1)
ax = ax[::-1]

X = np.random.normal(size=(3, 100))
for i in range(3):
    for j in range(3):
        ax[i, j].xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter())
        ax[i, j].yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter())
        points = ax[i, j].scatter(X[j], X[i])

plugins.connect(fig, plugins.LinkedBrush(points))