Demo of a KDE plot beside timeseries set

%pylab inline
import pysd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Load the model using PySD

The model is a basic, 1-stock carbon bathtub model

model = pysd.read_vensim('../../models/Climate/Atmospheric_Bathtub.mdl')
                   Real Name                    Py Name Subscripts  Units  0                  Emissions                  emissions       None   None
1  Excess Atmospheric Carbon  excess_atmospheric_carbon       None   None
2                 FINAL TIME                 final_time       None  Month
3               INITIAL TIME               initial_time       None  Month
4            Natural Removal            natural_removal       None   None
5           Removal Constant           removal_constant       None   None
6                    SAVEPER                    saveper       None  Month
7                  TIME STEP                  time_step       None  Month
8                       Time                       time       None   None

       Limits       Type Subtype                                     Comment
0  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal                                        None
1  (nan, nan)   Stateful   Integ                                        None
2  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal          The final time for the simulation.
3  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal        The initial time for the simulation.
4  (nan, nan)  Auxiliary  Normal                                        None
5  (nan, nan)   Constant  Normal                                        None
6  (0.0, nan)  Auxiliary  Normal  The frequency with which output is stored.
7  (0.0, nan)   Constant  Normal           The time step for the simulation.
8  (nan, nan)       None    None                  Current time of the model.

Generate a set of parameters to use as input

Here, drawing 100 constant values for the Emissions parameter from an exponential distribution

n_runs = 100
runs = pd.DataFrame({'Emissions': np.random.exponential(scale=10000, size=n_runs)})
0 207.734860
1 7109.125870
2 4768.041210
3 2191.302602
4 16930.863016

Run the model with the various parameters

result = runs.apply(lambda p:['Excess Atmospheric Carbon'],
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 207.734860 7109.125870 4768.041210 2191.302602 16930.863016 14676.223891 2058.091604 9229.459073 1215.333008 22711.067942 ... 5438.319103 13029.384661 28268.791836 7543.867757 12566.422839 1565.757571 1029.656855 2802.757320 18335.083353 3311.616813
2 413.392371 14147.160482 9488.402008 4360.692179 33692.417401 29205.685543 4095.602292 18366.623556 2418.512686 45195.025205 ... 10822.255014 25928.475475 56254.895754 15012.296837 25007.181449 3115.857566 2049.017141 5577.487067 36486.815873 6590.117458
3 616.993307 21114.814748 14161.559198 6508.387860 50286.356243 43589.852579 6112.737873 27412.416393 3609.660567 67454.142895 ... 16152.351567 38698.575381 83961.138633 22406.041626 37323.532473 4650.456561 3058.183825 8324.469516 54457.031068 9835.833097
4 818.558233 28012.792471 18787.984817 8634.606583 66714.355696 57830.177944 8109.702098 36367.751302 4788.896970 89490.669408 ... 21429.147154 51340.974288 111390.319083 29725.848967 49516.719987 6169.709566 4057.258842 11043.982140 72247.544111 13049.091579

5 rows × 100 columns

Draw a plot showing the results, and a marginal density plot

# left side should have all traces plotted
plt.subplot2grid((1,4), loc=(0,0), colspan=3)
[plt.plot(result.index, result[i], 'b', alpha=.02) for i in result.columns]
plt.ylim(0, max(result.iloc[-1]))

# right side has gaussian KDE on last timestamp
plt.subplot2grid((1,4), loc=(0,3))
plt.ylim(0, max(result.iloc[-1]));

plt.suptitle('Emissions scenarios under uncertainty', fontsize=16);