Getting Started
Introduction to the PySD Cookbook
Installation and Setup of Python and PySD
Getting Started with Python
Using the Jupyter Notebook
Working with
and github
Hello World: The Teacup Model
SIR Peak Infection Challenge
Data Handling
Desing Policy
Model Fitting
Geographic Analyses
Model Comparison
Surrogating Functions
Realtime Data Incorporation
Model Development Workflow
Wrapper EMAWorkbench
Data Used in this Cookbook
Chapters to be Written
End Notes
Getting Started
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Getting Started
Introduction to the PySD Cookbook
Installation and Setup of Python and PySD
Using Anaconda
Installing PySD
Launch Jupyter Notebook, and get started
Upgrading PySD
Getting Started with Python
Why should system dynamicists learn to code?
A (very) brief intro to programming in python
Using the Jupyter Notebook
Code Cells
Text Cells
Working with
and github
Hello World: The Teacup Model
Load the model
Run with default parameters
Return specific model components
Return values at a specific time
Modify parameter values
Specifying model initial conditions
SIR Peak Infection Challenge
Load libraries
Load model
Identify the peak for this base case run
Define the range of infectivities we want to sweep over
Evaluate the peak of infections for each value of infectivity
Plot the result